Internal Conflict: Six Types of Internal Conflict (With Examples)
Stories are built on conflict. Without any conflict, there’s not really any story. If Jane Doe gets everything she wanted, without any difficulties, and lives happily ever after, then that’s lovely for Jane, but not very interesting to read about!
When it comes
to conflict, it’s easy to get how external conflict works. Perhaps Jane Doe wants a promotion … but a colleague is also going for the same role (character vs character conflict). Then, Jane’s late to work because the bus was cancelled and she had to walk through a snowstorm (character vs environment conflict) … and now her laptop won’t start (character vs technology conflict).
Those are types of conflict that you could see taking place.
But what about the conflict that only takes place inside Jane’s head? The self-doubt – is she really suited to the role? The moral dilemma – should she try to
undermine the colleague who also wants the promotion? Those can be just as important a part of the story. And they’re both types of internal conflict.