[Aliventures newsletter] What's more important: plot or character? Plus, Blog On registration opens Mon 3rd Oct

Published: Thu, 09/29/16

I've just finished the second draft of the third novel (still untitled!) in my Lycopolis trilogy ... hurrah! I'll be tidying it up, and probably cutting a fair few superfluous words, over the next month or so before handing it over to my editor.

It's come in at around 85,000 words, which I'm pretty happy with, after a way-too-short first draft attempt. :-) Novel length has been on my mind recently, as you might have guessed from this week's post on the Aliventures blog: How Long Should Your Novel Be? What's Too Short ... and What's Too Long?
What's More Important: Plot or Character?
One question that comes up pretty often among novelists is "What's more important – plot or character?"

(Often, this crops up in the planning stage as "which should I think about first?")

If you've been writing fiction for a while, you'll probably already know that the "right" answer to this question is to say that both are equally important, and that they can't be separated from one another.

Characters are instrumental in creating the plot; the plot affects who those characters are (or reveals who they really were all along). 

I think that's fine as far as it goes ... but realistically, for most writers, either plot or character will get more emphasis.

For instance, if you write thrillers, they pretty much have to be plot-driven. Even psychological thrillers have a strong emphasis on plot (often through revelation of back story, through twists and surprises).

Literary novels, on the other hand, tend to be quite strongly character-driven. There may not be a lot of action, but there's plenty of exploration of characters' internal worlds – or of the relationships between characters.

Know what's expected from your genre. Make sure you match up to that – and, if you can, try to exceed expectations. For instance, you might write a thriller that has compelling, memorable characters (think Hannibal Lector in Silence of the Lambs).

In general, I feel that characters are what readers remember. If you want to keep them coming back for more, you will need deep, interesting characters who grow and change. But a weak or slow plot can lose those readers before they ever get to really know your characters ... so that matters too.

Recommended Read:

If you're struggling with either plot or character – or the intersection of the two! – then K.M. Weiland's book Structuring Your Novel does a great job of bringing the two together, demonstrating how great plotting and great character arcs work hand-in-hand. You can find out more and grab a copy here ... or, if you're not quite ready for a whole book, check out her blog posts on novel structure here.
Blog On Ecourse: Registration Opens Monday 3rd October
Quick heads-up: I'll be running an eight-week "Blog On" ecourse from Monday 10th October, through my Writers' Huddle site. Registration opens next Monday, 3rd October.

(If you're already a Writers' Huddle member, this is included in your membership. Look out for details in your weekly email on Monday.)

Blog On is all about taking your blog to the next level. In it, you'll conquer procrastination and learn to write great posts that follow tried-and-tested structures ... while creating (or improving) crucial pages on your site along the way too.

These are the modules and timings:

Mon 3rd Oct: Sign-Up Week: Get Registered and Meet Fellow Bloggers

Mon 10th Oct: Module #1: Blogging Ideas: From Your Overall Goal to Individual Posts

Mon 17th Oct: Module #2: How to Write a How to Post That Readers Will Love

Mon 24th Oct: Module #3: Your Contact Page: Clear, Concise ... and Crucial

Mon 31st Oct: Module #4: How to Write a List Post That Delivers Real Value

Mon 7th Nov: Module #5: Your About Page: You, Your Blog, and Why Readers Should Care

Mon 14th Nov: Module #6: How to Write a Link Post that Curates Great Content

Mon 21st Nov: Module #7: Your Services Page: What Can You Sell to Your Readers?

Mon 28th Nov: Module #8: Creating (and Swiping) Powerful Blog Post Structures

Mon 5th Dec: Wrap-Up Week: Personal Blog Reviews, Q&A, and Final Prize Draw

I'll be sending out full details on Monday, so keep an eye out for an email on that. :-) 
Till then, happy writing,


PS - Don't forget to check out this week's post on the Aliventures blog: How Long Should Your Novel Be? What's Too Short ... and What's Too Long?
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