[Aliventures newsletter] Time to write but no energy? Plus, Blog On ecourse -- reminder

Published: Thu, 10/06/16

Quick reminder: Blog On (my eight-week ecourse on blogging) starts on Monday 10th: you can register any time up until Tuesday 11th ... but obviously the sooner you join, the sooner you can get going!

Full details here (or scroll a bit further down this email for the in-a-nutshell version):

What Can You Do When You Have the Time to Write but No Energy?
One Aliventures reader described their main problem as: "Finding mental energy to write. I can make time, but even then I'm too tired or stressed out to actually do anything productive."

If you're struggling for time to write, let alone energy, check on this week's post on the Aliventures blog: How to Take Back Control of Your Time (and Fit More Writing In).

None of us can be productive every moment of the day. We all need downtime and sufficient rest – and even if you can find a spare 30 minutes at the end of a long day, you too may find that you're too exhausted to actually write.

If there was an easy solution to this, I suppose we'd all be using it! But here are a few things you could try:

#1: Take the Pressure Off

If you're constantly feeling guilty about not writing (again), then take the pressure off. Tell yourself you won't write at all for at least two weeks. 

This is particularly important if writing is becoming yet another source of stress or worry for you. Writers are entitled to time off!

#2: Get as Much Help as Realistically Possible

If day to day life is exhausting and stressful, is there anything that would make it easier? Some things might take quite a while to sort out (e.g. "find a new job") but others could be a lot quicker (e.g. "pay someone to come and clean for two hours once a week").

If paid help isn't an option, can other members of your household help out? What chores could your spouse or children take on? If you have very young children, can your partner take on slightly more of the childcare duties ... or can you get a child-free friend / older relative to help out?

If there's no-one who can (or will) help, then is there anything you can change to make life a little easier? Since having kids, we batch-cook a fair amount, so we've got easy meals in the freezer ... and we're perfectly happy to eat the occasional ready meal or takeaway!

#3: Write Something You Really Want to Write

While writing what you love isn't always an option, hopefully you can at least angle towards something you mostly enjoy. If you're churning out low-paid articles for a content mill, or trying to hammer out a 50 Shades of Grey inspired novel because you think it's what'll sell, then stop! There are so many different types of writing out there that there'll definitely be something that you can really throw yourself into.

That way, when you do have the time to sit down to write, you'll hopefully feel energised and excited to get to work – rather than dreading it as yet another chore in a busy day.

#4: Consider Changing Your Writing Environment

These days, I'm quite used to writing at home (and turning a blind eye to the housework) ... but I still find it a refreshing change to head out and write in a library or coffee shop, and I used to do more of this pre-kids!

The place where you write can make a surprising difference to your energy levels and mood. If you can, set a "writing date" once a week: get out of the house, head out to get your favourite coffee, and spend an hour or two enjoying your writing. 

If you do need to write at home, are there any ways you could make sitting down to write more of an enjoyable experience? Some writers go for a favourite drink / snack, others light candles, others lie in bed to write – whatever suits you! 

I have huge sympathy for anyone in the "too knackered to write" situation. I've definitely been there, in a fair few different circumstances over the years (stressful day job, trying to finish a novel while moving house and planning our wedding, having small children). I hope some of the ideas above might at least help you get a bit more quality, unstressed writing time ... but I know there are sometimes no easy answers. Hang on in there, and best of luck.
Blog On Ecourse: Registration Now Open
In case you missed it on Monday ... I'll be running an eight-week "Blog On" ecourse from Monday 10th October, through my Writers' Huddle site.

Registration is open now here: www.writershuddle.com/blog-on-registration

(If you're already a Writers' Huddle member, this is included in your membership.)

Blog On is all about taking your blog to the next level. In it, you'll conquer procrastination and learn to write great posts that follow tried-and-tested structures ... while creating (or improving) crucial pages on your site along the way too.

These are the modules and timings:

Mon 3rd Oct: Sign-Up Week: Get Registered and Meet Fellow Bloggers

Mon 10th Oct: Module #1: Blogging Ideas: From Your Overall Goal to Individual Posts

Mon 17th Oct: Module #2: How to Write a How to Post That Readers Will Love

Mon 24th Oct: Module #3: Your Contact Page: Clear, Concise ... and Crucial

Mon 31st Oct: Module #4: How to Write a List Post That Delivers Real Value

Mon 7th Nov: Module #5: Your About Page: You, Your Blog, and Why Readers Should Care

Mon 14th Nov: Module #6: How to Write a Link Post that Curates Great Content

Mon 21st Nov: Module #7: Your Services Page: What Can You Sell to Your Readers?

Mon 28th Nov: Module #8: Creating (and Swiping) Powerful Blog Post Structures

Mon 5th Dec: Wrap-Up Week: Personal Blog Reviews, Q&A, and Final Prize Draw

Along with Blog On, you get full membership of Writers' Huddle (which you're welcome to continue to subscribe to after the course ends), and several bonuses ... including all four of my Blogger's Guides, and a blog review from me. :-)

Get all the details here:

Registration closes next Tuesday (11th), so that everyone can start the course more-or-less on time. I'll send out a quick reminder at the start of next week.

Happy writing,


PS - Don't forget to check out this week's post on the Aliventures blog: How to Take Back Control of Your Time (and Fit More Writing In)
Download your mini-ebooks at aliventures.com/newsletter-secret with the password alinewsletter

Get 35% off any/all of my Bloggers' Guides at www.bloggers-guides.com with the code alinewsletter

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