[Aliventures newsletter] Merry Christmas ... and some inspiring posts to check out

Published: Thu, 12/22/16

Just a quick newsletter today!

We've been busy here with Christmas preparations: we've got my mum, dad, brother and sister all coming to stay ... and needless to say, both my children are very excited! To add to our festive fun, it's Nick's second birthday on Christmas Eve. We'll be breaking out the glowsticks, which he loves, once it gets dark...

Whatever you'll be up to over the next few days, I hope you have a wonderful time -- whether you're hosting or visiting relatives, or having a quiet few days to catch up with a good book or three.

I won't be blogging or sending out the newsletter again until the New Year ... so have a wonderful start to 2017, and I'll be back in touch soon.

If you are feeling a bit short of reading material, though, you might enjoy these 2016 highlights from the Aliventures blog, especially if you're planning to make some writing-related New Years' resolutions:

Is Writing a Novel a "Someday" Dream for You?

How to Take Back Control of Your Time (and Fit More Writing In)

Should You Write Faster? Here's What Four Indie Authors Do (Plus My Take)

Marketing Your (Self-Published) Novel: Five books Reviewed

What if You're Just Not Good Enough to be a Successful Writer?

Merry Christmas!

Ali x
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