[Aliventures newsletter] What's stopping you from finishing a book? (& webinar next week)

Published: Thu, 04/20/17

In case you're in a hurry, the big news up front: I'm running a webinar next Thursday (27th) titled "The Confident Writer: Ditching Guilt, Beating Fears, and Making Time to Write".

It's completely free, and only lasts an hour (and there's a recording if you can't make it live). Scroll down to the bottom of this email for the registration link. :-)
What's Stopping You from Finishing a Book?
Not all writers want to write a book, of course. But pretty much every writer I've ever met has, at some stage, decided they're ready to tackle a book-length project.

Perhaps you've already started on one: a novel (or novella), a memoir, a book based on your blog...

In fact, like many writers I know, you might have started on several books over the years.

Have you finished any?

I'll admit up-front: I have my share of unfinished books too. I've got some novels from years ago that reached varying states of completeness: one got to a decent second draft, one was finished enough that I shipped it around agents for a while, and one made it to a scrappy 50,000 words during NaNoWriMo 2007 and hasn't been touched since.

I've also got a bunch of finished books: two novels (Lycopolis & Oblivion), Publishing E-Books For Dummies, and my four Blogger's Guides.

Sometimes, it's perfectly appropriate to set aside a book that you've got part-way with. Perhaps:
  • You were never all that enthusiastic about it anyway, and you've simply lost interest
  • You're hellishly busy right now and the book is going to have to wait a few months
  • You enjoyed writing it, but now you've grown so much as a writer that you want to begin on a fresh project

There are lots of less-than-great reasons for unfinished books, though. And they usually look something like this:
  • You've been working on the same novel for eight years, on and off ... and it's still not done
  • You wrote an outline for an ebook that you know your blog readers would love ... but you just can't find time to write it
  • You keep getting a few chapters into a novel only to drift away from it and start something new
  • You're writing so sporadically that you never get up any momentum
  • You stopped writing during a busy period (having kids, new job, house move) and never started again

When I was in my teens, I had a whole host of unfinished projects -- mostly writing and craft related. For a long time, I told myself I was just the sort of person who never finished anything. 

Truth is, while some people are probably a little better at finishing than others, everyone has it in them to finish a book.

These days, I've learnt to make regular time to write. I still have some projects that drag on a bit ... but I don't keep starting things in a fit of enthusiasm only to abandon them.

One big reason why I didn't finish some of those early projects -- and perhaps this is true for you too -- is because I wasn't at all confident about them. I didn't spend much time writing because it was hard to feel like writing was especially important or worthwhile. I could see that my writing wasn't perfect (it still isn't ;-)) and sometimes I thought there was no point writing at all.

As you might guess, I feel a bit differently about it these days! But I know how deep-rooted a lack of confidence can be for writers, and how it can show up as feelings of guilt or fear. 

Next week, I'm running a webinar all about getting through those feelings and finally making regular time to write ... and I'd love it if you could join me. :-)

Here are the details...

The Confident Writer: Ditching Guilt, Beating Fears, and Making Time to Write

Date: Thursday 27th April

Time: 8pm - 9pm UK (3pm - 4pm EST, 12 noon - 1pm PST)

Topics covered:
- Guilt about writing ... and guilt about not writing!
- The underlying problem that “I don’t have time to write” might be masking
- How to carry on despite common writing fears
- Practical ways to boost both your confidence AND your time to write
- Ways to focus when you’re writing (instead of worrying about everything else)
- Getting support and encouragement with your writing

The seminar will only last an hour, which includes Q&A time ... so it's not going to take up your whole evening.

Even if you can't attend live, do register anyway so I can send you the recording and slide pack afterwards. :-)

Happy writing,


PS - Don't forget to check out the latest post on the Aliventures blog: Three All-Too-Common Writing Fears Holding You Back … and How to Beat Them

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