[Aliventures newsletter] What should you blog about? Plus updated links to the blogging mini-ebooks

Published: Thu, 09/21/17

A quick update before we get into the newsletter: I realised a few days ago that a couple of the links on the mini-ebooks library page weren't working correctly. Whoops!

If you've downloaded either of these:..
  • Ten Powerful Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Stronger
  • Ten Easy Ways to Attract Readers to Your Blog … And Keep Them There
... then please download them again to make sure you have the current versions!

You can get them, and all my other mini-ebooks, here:

The password is alinewsletter (all lower-case, all one word).
What Should You Blog About?
This is the third in a month-long series about blogging. You can find the first two parts in the newsletter archive here:

If you've been thinking about starting a blog, one sticking point might well be deciding what to blog about.

Even if you've already got a blog up and running, you may struggle for ideas, or feel like you're going in the wrong direction.

The best place to start is by considering the purpose of your blog – and, therefore, the intended audience.

Don't make the mistake of just picking a topic that interests you, or simply keeping an online diary about your own writing. While that's fine if you want to blog as a hobby, if you're using your blog as part of a business, you need to think strategically about why you're blogging about particular things.

Example: Freelance Editor

Let's say you decide to start a blog to bring in freelancing clients for your editing business. You might blog about:
  • Tips for editing your own work
  • Advice for hiring an editor
  • Help deciding what type of editing you need (e.g. developmental vs line editing)
  • What NOT to do when working with an editor
  • Getting your first draft finished and ready for an editor
... and so on. All of these are things that someone looking for an editor might search for on Google, leading them to your blog.

However, you probably wouldn't blog about:
  • Your frustrations about online business (not necessarily relevant to your  potential clients, and quite possibly offputting to someone thinking of hiring you!)
  • Your partner / child / goldfish (irrelevant to your potential clients)
  • The most hilarious mistakes you've seen when editing (could make potential clients wary of sending you their work!)
All of those topics might be perfectly appropriate for a different blog ... just not for yours.

If you're feeling stuck on what to blog about, set aside some time this week to answer these questions:
  • What's the main purpose of your blog?
  • Who, therefore, do you want your audience to be?
  • Which topics would be interesting to that audience?

Good luck with narrowing down your focus! Next week, we'll be taking a look at one of the trickiest – and most important – areas of blogging: how to find readers for your blog.

Happy writing,


PS - Don't forget to check out the latest post on the Aliventures blog: What to Do When Your Writing Goals Seem a Long Way Off

Download your mini-ebooks at aliventures.com/newsletter-secret with the password alinewsletter

Get 35% off any/all of my Bloggers' Guides at www.bloggers-guides.com with the code alinewsletter

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