[Aliventures newsletter] Two ebook announcements! Plus, are you getting enough down time as a writer?

Published: Thu, 12/21/17

I hope your December's been going well! Mine has been a bit chaotic ... but I've got a couple of announcements. :-)

#1: For Bloggers (or Anyone Writing a Non-Fiction Ebook)

You might've seen my email on Monday about The Blogger's Guide to Irresistible Ebooks: I've fully updated it (and added quite a bit of new material), and to celebrate, I've made it half-price until the end of the year: $14.50 instead of $29.

But ...! Your usual 35% newsletter discount still applies on top of that -- just enter the code alinewsletter during the checkout process to knock the price down to $9.42.

You can get all the details, and find out more, here:

#2: For Readers (Particularly if You're Into Novels with a Supernatural Element...)

The third book in my Lycopolis trilogy is out. :-) I started work on this trilogy back in autumn 2008 (yikes) ... since then I've married, moved house twice, and had two kids!

If you've not read the first two books (Lycopolis and Oblivion), definitely start with those, as this third book follows straight on from the second.

The trilogy is contemporary fantasy (bordering on supernatural thriller) and starts when a group of online friends summon an evil demon into their shared game ... and into their world.

You can get Dominion here: http://a-fwd.com/asin-uk=B078HZ3J8X

Or start off with Lycopolis here: http://a-fwd.com/asin-uk=B0068R6GAC

(Those links should forward you to your local version of Amazon.)

And now ... on with the newsletter.

Today, I wanted to look at the importance of down time: I'll be taking a couple of weeks off from writing to enjoy time with family over the Christmas / New Year period. You may be in a different position (perhaps you like to get lots of writing done while you're off work!) ... but whatever your plans, do make sure that some down time features.
Are You Getting Enough Down Time as a Writer?
​​​​​​​A lot of the writers I know are quite driven people. They're goal-focused, and often working towards something big – a finished novel, a money-making blog, or even a full-time career writing.

Personally, I really enjoy having goals I'm working towards. It makes me happy to achieve things – to tick tasks off my to-do list, and to see measurable progress towards where I want to be in my life and career.

However ...

... as you probably already know if you're also this type of person, there can be a darker side to a strong focus on achievement.

Maybe you find it hard to unwind. Maybe you're always busy. Maybe you feel guilty about "wasting time" if you sit and watch telly, or read a decidedly non-literary novel, or spend a bit too much time clicking on interesting links online.

Maybe all that "achieving" sometimes feels quite hollow: as if you're on a treadmill and you just have to keep going, whether you want to or not.

Of course, like we discussed last month, it's important to avoid the procrastination trap. But that doesn't mean you need to be constantly doing things. It's okay to slow down at least a little.

So how can you get more down time (and not feel guilty about it)? These are a few things that help me:

#1: Schedule a Block of Time at Least Once a Week

I'm not a very spontaneous person: I like to plan and I like to know what's coming up. (As you might imagine, this makes life with two small children a bit of a challenge at times!)

I find that if I schedule down time, it's more likely to happen and I won't feel guilty about it! For instance, Friday evenings are always "date night" for me and my husband. We rarely actually go out, but we have wine and something nice to eat at home, and watch a film or play board games together.

Could you do something similar – perhaps plan a couple of evenings a week when you won't write, but you'll instead spend time with a family member or friend (or time simply doing something in peace, alone)?

Obviously, I hope this block of time won't be your only chance to relax all week! But having something on the calendar means you've got something to look forward to and enjoy, guilt-free.

#2: Have Work/Writing-Free Zones Each Day

If writing is your work, as it is for me, then it can be all too easy to let it seep into every bit of your day. I rarely work in the evenings (though I do sometimes write fiction then) and I'm also trying to get into the habit of going up to bed early with a good book and some chocolate – this is about as decadent as my life gets right now! ;-)

Could you do something similar? If you like to write in the evenings, maybe you could use your lunch break as a chance to properly unwind, or set aside some time for a long coffee-break mid-afternoon.

#3: Be Open to Ideas Appearing During Down Time

I find that, not infrequently, my ideas don't come while I'm at my desk working. They come when I'm watching TV, or reading a book, or (though I hate to admit it!) spending a bit too much time reading Quora or Buzzfeed.

Some writers think of this as "filling the well", which I think was first used (in a creative context) by Julia Cameron. The idea is that in order to draw from your inner well of creativity, you need to also refill it regularly -- by taking in other stories (TV, books, etc), by enjoying art or music, by engaging in some sort of creative relaxation (knitting, colouring), or simply by "wasting time" and being open to inspiration!

I know this is a busy time of the year ... but this week, try to find a little bit of space for some extra down time. Even if it's just an hour curled up with a good book, it can make a big difference to how you're feeling ... and how creative you are.

Happy writing ... and happy relaxing!


PS - Don't forget to check out the latest post on the Aliventures blog: 2017 Roundup: Did You Miss Any of These Aliventures Posts?

Download your mini-ebooks at aliventures.com/newsletter-secret with the password alinewsletter

Get 35% off any/all of my Bloggers' Guides at www.bloggers-guides.com with the code alinewsletter

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