[Aliventures newsletter] Blog critiques: find out exactly what your blog needs (and what you're already getting right)

Published: Tue, 01/30/18

Do you ever worry whether your blog isn't quite "there"?

Maybe you think the design needs improving, or your sidebar isn't working for you, or you haven't quite found your blogging voice.

For the first time in quite a while, I'm offering blog critiques.

When I critique your blog, I let you know what's already working really well, so you can recognise and be proud of the progress you've already made.

Then, I list a bunch of concrete, practical suggestions to help you go further with your blog.

To finish off, I give you a detailed edit on any blog post you like (published or unpublished, up to 1,000 words).

There's a lot of great blogging advice out there online, on sites like ProBlogger, Copyblogger, Smart Blogger, etc (I should know -- I've written for all of them!) ... but the fastest way to improve YOUR blog is through direct feedback.

You could spend the whole of 2018 reading articles about blogging ... and still not really make any progress.

Or you could get a critique of your blog (and your writing) ... and fix the issues holding you back within days.

You can find out all about the critiques here:

I'm only taking orders for critiques until Friday 9th February, so I can make sure I've got enough time to do them all!

However, once you've paid, you've got up to three months to book in your critique ... so if you don't feel quite ready yet, that's no problem.

You can find out exactly what the critique involves, and see the "thank you" notes from some fellow bloggers who've had me critique their blog, here:

Happy blogging,


P.S. If you want feedback quickly, book your critique in today and I should be able to get it done by the end of this week (Friday 2nd). :-)

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