[Aliventures newsletter] Want more readers for your blog? Make it easy to read

Published: Thu, 02/01/18

This month, I'm doing something a little different with the newsletter: each week, I'll be bringing you an excerpt from one of my mini-ebooks.

All the mini-ebooks are completely free to download (for newsletter subscribers!) ... but I've realised that not everyone has taken advantage of this. :-)

You can get all the mini-ebooks here:

Password: alinewsletter

Also ... don't forget that I'm currently offering blog critiques for just $39. You can find all the details here:

(I won't be taking orders for any more critiques after Friday 9th.)

Make Your Blog Easy To Read
This is an excerpt from the mini-ebook "Ten Easy Ways to Attract Readers to Your Blog ... And Keep Them There", which you can download for free from aliventures.com/newsletter-secret (use the password alinewsletter).

In Ten Powerful Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Stronger, we looked at using formatting (subheadings, bold text, lists, etc) and conversational language (particularly using “you”) to make your blog posts easy to engage with.

Here, I want you to think about how easy your blog is to physically read. When someone looks at the screen, what do they see?

The Text Itself
Some common problems which I’ve seen crop up again and again are:

Problem: The Font Size is Too Small

Fix: Increase the font size! This might mean switching to a different theme for your blog, or editing the current theme. Daniel Scocco has a great post about how increasing your font size keeps readers on your site.

Problem: The Font Itself is Difficult to Read

Fix: Use a sans-serif font such as Arial or Geneva. Avoid any fancy, handwriting style fonts except for very limited use (e.g. in your logo is OK, if the font fits your brand).

Problem: The Background Colour Makes it Hard to Read the Text

Fix: Avoid white text on a black background (however cool it looks) – it’s tough to read. Avoid white text on a pale background, or black text on a bright background. Ideally, stick with black text on white, or something close (e.g. very dark grey on white, black on cream).

Too Much Clutter
Blogs can also become difficult to read if they get cluttered. Perhaps you’ve got every widget known to mankind in your sidebar, making it hard for readers to spot the relevant information (like your list of popular posts).

Be especially careful with adverts. Yes, your Google AdWords box might be converting well because you’ve jammed it in the middle of every post – but it could be annoying readers and driving them away from your blog. Instead of making pennies on AdWords, think long-term: loyal readers will often become loyal customers.

Is Your Blog Attractive to First-Time Readers?
If you really want to improve your blog, find someone who’s never seen it before and ask them to take a look. (You’re welcome to ask me – ali@aliventures.com.)

Get them to tell you whether there’s anything which makes it hard for them to read your posts – and be prepared to make some changes based on their feedback.

Increase your font size slightly. You might decide to change to a different theme, or edit the font size in your style.css file. (Note that changes may be lost if you update the theme in future.) If your background makes the text hard to read, change that too

Further Reading
Practical tips on making your blog easier to read, with handy “how to” information on the technicalities of actually getting it done.
What I'm Reading This Week
I've not managed any book reading during the past week (oh dear!) – a combination of some busy evenings, plus the kids sleeping badly, plus getting back into The Sentinel (a 90s cop / SF series that I finally have on DVD).

But I have been reading Writing Magazine. This is my favourite of the various UK writing-related magazines: it's always packed with useful information and ideas, it has lots for both self-publishing authors and those seeking a traditional deal, and I like entering the competitions! 

If you're in the UK and haven't tried it, I'd definitely recommend giving it a go! You can also subscribe from overseas ... plus there's lots of great stuff on their website, writers-online.co.uk (look under Writing Advice, for instance, for plenty of articles to read).
Happy writing,


PS - Don't forget to check out the latest post on the Aliventures blog: Your Website is Always a Work in Progress

Download your mini-ebooks at aliventures.com/newsletter-secret with the password alinewsletter

Get 35% off any/all of my Bloggers' Guides at www.bloggers-guides.com with the code alinewsletter

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