[Aliventures newsletter] Three ways a blog critique will help YOUR blog to succeed

Published: Tue, 02/06/18

Reminder: I'm only taking orders for blog critiques only until the end of this Friday (9th February). You do have up to three months after paying to book your critique, so it's fine to secure yours even if your blog isn't quite ready yet.

Find out all about the Blog Critiques: www.aliventures.com/your-blog-critique-2018

Whatever your goal is with your blog, I'm guessing you've got some idea of what would make it a "success" in your eyes.

That might involve making money – anything from covering your hosting costs to earning a full time living from your blog.

But it could also involve something different. Perhaps money would be nice, but what you really want is to use your blog to promote an non-profit organisation or cause that you're involved with.

Or maybe you're blogging to build an audience. You don't want or need to sell them anything yet ... but you're keen to establish an online platform for when you launch your book, or embark on your speaking career.

Whether your goal is one of those, or something entirely different, here's how a blog critique can help you succeed:

#1: You'll Finally Know What You're Doing RIGHT

Maybe you're worried that you're getting it all wrong. You don't feel entirely confident about anything to do with your blog.

Does your colour scheme work? Is your blog easy to navigate? Have you explained things clearly enough on your About page?

When I critique your blog, I'll start off by telling you about the things you're already doing really well (and trust me, there'll be plenty you're getting right). That way, you can stop worrying: you know what's actually working just fine.

#2: You'll Know What's Not Quite Right AND How to Fix It

I'll go through your blog meticulously, and create a clear list of exactly what I'd suggest you change. (Of course, ultimately, it's your call! All I can do is advise.)

I won't just give you a vague description of a problem, like "your sidebar is cluttered" or "your header image doesn't really work" or "your tagline wasn't clear".

I'll explain why there's a problem ... and how to fix it.

For instance, instead of "your sidebar is cluttered", I might write something more like this:

"Your sidebar has ten different sections, and it's a bit overwhelming. I'd suggest removing the tag cloud, at least, as most readers don't use those to navigate. You might also want to cut down on the number of ads, especially as you have your own ebook to promote too. I'd definitely keep the "About" and "Start Here" sections, though, as they're really useful for new readers who want to orientate themselves quickly."

#3: You'll Understand How to Tweak Your Writing to Make Your Posts Even Better

Chances are, you're already writing good blog posts (especially if you've been reading Aliventures for a while ;-)).

But there's always room for improvement. An extra pair of eyes can spot things you might have missed, from the tiny details (typos) to bigger picture issues (a lack of clear structure).

When I critique your blog, you get to send me one post -- published or unpublished – to thoroughly review. I'll go through this post and explain what you've done well, in addition to pointing out areas where a little bit of editing could make all the difference.

Again, I won't just give vague feedback like "the post felt a bit rushed" – I'll point out exactly what you could change. Where appropriate, I'll make suggestions for alternative wording. (For instance, "Your call to action could be stronger. How about phrasing it as "Click here to find out all about my new book" instead of "If you're interested, you may want to take a look at my book here.")

I'd love to see your blog, and help you take your next steps with it. To order your critique, head here:

Remember, I can only take orders for critiques until Friday 9th February. (This is so I can plan my time over the next few weeks and ensure that everyone gets their critique back reasonably promptly!)

I'll send out a reminder on Friday, but the sooner you book, the sooner I can get started on your critique. :-)

Of course, if your blog isn't quite ready yet, or if you want to write a new post to send me for critique, it's absolutely fine if you want to order now and then book your critique in a month or two. You've got up to three months from paying to actually book in your critique. (I'll remind you once you're running out of time, too, so you won't forget: I know how busy life can be!)

If you've got any questions about the critiques, just ask! I'll be very happy to help.

I'll clear up a couple of questions I had already, just in case you were also wondering about these:

#1: "Does it matter what topic my blog covers?"

No! I've critiqued all sorts of blogs over the years, and I have yet to come across one where I felt like I had nothing to say. ;-) So long as you're writing in English, it'll be fine!

#2: "My blog is nowhere near ready. It isn't even launched! Should I still order a critique?"

You're going to have to make the decision on this (sorry)! Do you think having the critique booked in would help you get moving, because it'll give you a deadline and the promise of some helpful feedback? Or would it make you feel really pressured? A little bit of pressure is a good thing ... but I definitely don't want you to feel overwhelmed.

As I've said, please feel free to email me if you're unsure whether a critique is right for you. Let me know a bit about you and your blog, and I'll give you my honest opinion. (There's a full money-back guarantee if you're not happy with the critique, so I'll be happy to put you off up front if I think a critique won't be any good to you. ;-))

Ready to order your critique, or to find out more? Head over here for all the details:

Happy blogging,

Ali x
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