Published: Mon, 11/21/22
Hello! Welcome back to the Aliventures newsletter. I hope last week went well for you and your writing ... and even if you didn't achieve everything…
Published: Thu, 11/17/22
Hello! Here's this week's post: Never Miss a Deadline: Seven Foolproof Techniques to Stay on Top of Your Writing Assignments You can click that link…
Published: Mon, 11/14/22
Hello! Welcome to the Aliventures newsletter ... now on Mondays! (Blog posts are now coming out on Thursdays, or possibly Fridays on weeks when I'm…
Published: Fri, 11/11/22
Hello! I'm making a slight change to the Aliventures schedule: going forward, I'll be publishing blog posts at the end of the week (usually Thursday,…
Published: Thu, 11/03/22
Hello! How's your writing been going this week? If it's been a good week so far (perhaps you're tackling NaNoWriMo?) then hurrah, I hope the ne t few…
Published: Tue, 11/01/22
Hello! Here's this week's post: How to Write When ... You Feel Discouraged. You can click that link to read it on the Aliventures blog, or just keep…
Published: Thu, 10/20/22
Hello! I've got lots of freelancing work on this week, and I'm trying to get ahead for ne t week, when I'm taking lots of time off to spend with my…
Published: Mon, 10/17/22
Hello! Here's this week's post: Choosing the Right Viewpoint and Tense for Your Fiction [With E amples] You can click that link to read it on the…
Published: Fri, 10/14/22
Hello! I've been a freelance writer for getting on for 15 years now (yikes). And one worry that I still occasionally have is "Is this good enough?" My…
Published: Mon, 10/10/22
Hello! Here's this week's post: How to Stay Focused When You're Writing Something Uninteresting. You can click that link to read it on the Aliventures…