Published: Fri, 10/04/24
Updated: Fri, 10/04/24
Last chance to get a (free!) writing coaching sesion with me Coaching call bonus goes away TODAY Writers' Cafe is currently open for new members. If…
Published: Thu, 10/03/24
Updated: Thu, 10/03/24
Got questions about Writers' Cafe? Not sure if it's right for you? Here's what you need to know Writers' Cafe Offer Ends TOMORROW Writers' Cafe is…
Published: Thu, 10/03/24
Updated: Thu, 10/03/24
Hello! Quick reminder: If you want a free 30 minute writing coaching session with me, join Writers' Cafe before the end of TOMORROW (Friday 4th). You…
Published: Wed, 10/02/24
Updated: Wed, 10/02/24
Quotes from members of the Cafe & past coaching clients Writers' Cafe is Open! Writers' Cafe is currently open for new members. If you join by the end…
Published: Mon, 09/30/24
Updated: Mon, 09/30/24
Everything you need to know (& how to join) Writers' Cafe is Open! In case you missed it last week ... Writers' Cafe is now open for new members. If…
Published: Thu, 09/26/24
Updated: Thu, 09/26/24
Everything you need to know (& how to join) Writers' Cafe is Open! Writers' Cafe is now open for new members. If you've been waiting to join, you can…
Published: Tue, 09/24/24
Updated: Tue, 09/24/24
How to find your writing cheerleaders and supporters Hello! Writers' Cafe didn't open last week (due to some kid-related issues here 😅 ... all sorted…
Published: Thu, 09/19/24
Updated: Thu, 09/19/24
Hello! Here's this week's post: The Eight Best Free Writing Tools to Help You Write More and Earn More The Eight Best Free Writing Tools to Help You…
Published: Mon, 09/16/24
Updated: Mon, 09/16/24
Why you should write that book (despite your fears) Hello! Quick reminder: I'll be reopening Writers' Cafe later this week ... you'll get an email as…
Published: Thu, 09/12/24
Updated: Thu, 09/12/24
Hello! The Aliventures blog is back! If you joined us over the summer, you can e pect blog posts every Thursday (occasionally Friday if I get…